All people have the right to express their suggestions and recommendations about supports and services offered by Woolwich Community Services (WCS).
WCS will respond to the concerns with a commitment to try and resolve them.
If you have a concern or complaint about the services you receive at WCS:
First, try to resolve the issue directly with the staff person involved.
If the issue cannot be resolved, please put your complaint in writing; mail, email or drop it off for the Executive Director @ 5 Memorial Ave. Elmira, N3B 2P8, kellyc.wcs@gmail.com If you are not comfortable with making a written complaint, please contact the Executive Director by calling 519-669-5139 to request a time to further discuss the situation.
If the complaint pertains to the Executive Director address the complaint to the Board Chair position c/o boardchairperson.wcs@gmail.com
The Executive Director or Board Chair will investigate the complaint. Within two working days of receiving the complaint, the Executive Director or Board Chair will contact you to establish an agreed-upon time frame for a meeting with yourself, the staff member involved and the Executive Director or Board Chair to reach a resolution.
The Board Chairperson will form a Complaint Review Committee to investigate your complaint and prepare a written response. This process may include a meeting with you, and another person you may want for support or consultation. The Complaint Review Committee will include the Chairperson of the WCS Board, a staff person from WCS (chosen by the Executive Director), the Executive Director of WCS, and a person from the community mutually chosen by you and the Board Chairperson.
Compliments about WCS’s services, programs and staff are also welcome.
Please share directly with staff or use the WCS mailbox near the parking lot entrance of the main office at 5 Memorial Ave. Elmira or use the form on our website to submit your feedback online.
If you have questions about WCS’s complaint process, or you are not sure how to proceed with your concerns, please call the WCS Executive Director at (519) 669-5139.