The Canadian Women's Foundation
The Canadian Women’s Foundation is Canada’s public foundation for diverse women and girls.
The organizations focus is on women and girls because they face distinct barriers that require distinct solutions and because gender equality improves economic and social conditions for everyone.
The Canadian Women's Foundation funds programs across Canada, prioritizing communities where the need is greatest. These programs address four urgent issues: gender-based violence, economic security, girls’ empowerment, and inclusive leadership.
Community Care Concepts
Community Care Concepts provide support services throughout the Townships of Woolwich, Wellesley and Wilmot. This enables seniors and special needs clients to remain as independent as possible in their own homes
929 Arthur St. S.
Elmira, ON N3B 2Z2
Phone: 519-664-1900
FAX: 519-664-1944
Toll Free: 1-855-664-1900
Community Resource Centre of North and Centre Wellington
A community benefit agency. Programs are designed to fill gaps in communities of Centre and North Wellington. Services include: outreach and support, transportation service, childcare and more.
Community Resource Centre of
North & Centre Wellington
PO Box 442
Fergus, ON N1M 3E2
Telephone: (519) 843-7000
Toll Free:1-866-840-3249
Family & Children's Services of Waterloo Region
Support for families and children still continues.
If any community member or professional has concerns about the safety and/or well-being of a
child or youth under 18, please contact 519-576-0540.
The offices at 65 Hanson (The Family Centre) and 168 Hespeler Road in Cambridge are closed to
The main office at 200 Ardelt is screening all potential visitors as well as staff.
If you need to visit the office, please call ahead (519-576-0540) to make an appointment.
Passport Canada
Get access to passport applications and renewal forms.
The local Passport Office is located in Kitchener.
Passport Office:
40 Weber Street East, Mezzanine Level
Kitchener, Ontario
Mon-Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm
Language: English, French
Rural Realities
Rural Realities is an advisory group of social service agencies supporting the rural townships of North Dumfries, Wellesley, Wilmot and Woolwich.
Its purpose is to help reduce poverty in the rural townships by developing a collective understanding of issues, reflect on possible solutions, and take action to reduce poverty.
For more information or to seek support please contact:
Trisha Robinson trisha@wilmotfamilyresourcecentre.ca
Kristine Allison kristine@spccnd.org
Service Ontario
Connect to the Service Ontario site to get information on a number of services from obtaining a birth certificate to locating your nearest Service Ontario Centre.
Elmira Location:
13-B Industrial Dr,
Elmira, ON N3B 2S1
*Please note this location offer partial services. Call to make sure they can assist with the service you are in need of.
Wilmot Family Resource Centre
Providing social support services to low-income and food-insecure families and individuals in Wilmot and Wellesley Townships.
175 Waterloo Street
New Hamburg, ON, N3A 1S3
Mon-Thurs: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Fri: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Phone: 519-662-2731
Woolwich Counselling
Woolwich Counselling Centre provides professional counselling services for individuals, couples and families.
65 Memorial Ave.
Elmira, ON N3B 2R9
Phone: 519-669-8651
Email: info@woolwichcounselling.org
Woolwich Township
If you live in Woolwich Township and have questions about your municipality get in touch with the administrative office.
Administration Office
24 Church Street West
P.O. Box 158
Elmira, ON, N3B 2Z6
Phone: (519)-669-1647
Woolwich Memorial Centre
24 Snyder Ave
Elmira ,ON
(519) 669-1647 x 7001
Woolwich Wellesley Hospice
This program provides compassionate help for people dealing with life-limiting illness and their caregivers.
Services Include:
Volunteer Visiting
Listening and emotional support
Simple comfort measures
Caregiver relief
Practical supports
Caregiver Support Groups:
Monthly support group to meet with others caring for someone with a life limiting illness. The group provides an opportunity to gain support from others who share similar feelings and situations and gain tools for self-care and resiliency.
Hospice Volunteers are caring members of the community who have been specially trained to understand the specific needs of people with a serious illness.
Call Julie Schelter, Hospice Coordinator at 519-664-3794 ext. 229 or jschekter@wchc.on.ca to register for services.